Search tips & tricks:

  • + - Force inclusion of a term, e.g. +bank +records requires the ruling to contain both terms
  • - - Force exclusion of a term, e.g. +bank +records -subpoena requires the ruling to contain both bank and records, but not supoena
  • " - Match the exact phrase; e.g. "bank records"
  • * - Wildcard - * matches a string of any length after the prefix
  • ? - Wildcard - ? matches a single character after the prefix
  • / - Regular expression - e.g. /sara[h]/ matches sara or sarah
  • ~ - Proximity search; find words within a certain distance of each other - e.g. "fox quick"~50

Hint: add a + sign in front of terms to force inclusion, for example: +subpoena +email
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